Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cutest Pumpkin in the Patch!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Lake Weekend!
Catherine is definitely her father's child! She loved the lake! The faster the boat would go and the more it bounced the more she liked it. This weekend we went to the lake with Johnny's boss. We were on the boat for about 15 minutes before it started to thunder. So, the rest of the day we enjoyed the rain and watched football games while Catherine napped. It was really nice to get away and not do any chores around the house and just relax whether it rained or not. I was actually kind of glad it rained. I'm not an outdoor kind of girl. I know that really sent shock waves through some of your computers. Something grosses me out about not seeing the bottom of the lake and swimming with other creatures that carry diseases. Don't get me wrong, I love to ride on a boat and I love to tube and ski!!!!!!! It's just getting out there to do it and then falling and getting back in the boat I don't like. Basically, I don't like the water, just keep me out of the water. I'm like a cat or stuck up or whatever you want to call me, but I don't like lake water. So, for sure don't expect me to go camping and bath in it! That is an experience I don't care to have. Anyways, Catherine loves the boat! Enjoy the pictures!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Catherine Update
Catherine has a 7 mm hole in her Atrial Septum. It is called an Atrial Septul Defect. If you go to the American Heart Association website you can learn more about the surgery and the defect at . This is otherwise known as a "hole" in her heart. The size of the hole is of medium size. It is bigger than a pencil eraser, but smaller than a dime to give you an image. Therefore, it will not close on its own. They will have to go in a repair the hole when she is around the age of 4 years old. They will do this with a catheter procedure. They will implant a mesh accordion like material in the hole that will expand to cover the hole. Heart tissue and scar tissue will then grow over it and secure it permanently in place. This should be the only surgery/procedure she should ever have to fix the problem. She will only stay in the hospital 1 night, and in 4 years it may be outpatient who knows? Our Arkansas Children's Hospital was the 2nd hospital in the nation to perform this procedure! However, just 7 years ago this was an open heart surgery procedure. If she does not have the hole repaired her life expectancy is to age 30. The doctors will monitor her once a year until time for the procedure with an office visit and annual tests to make sure the hole is not getting larger and there are no other complications. They have reassured us that Catherine is normal and should be treated as if she were a normal child without any type of condition. We are surprisingly very calm about the situation and making a long list of questions to call and ask the nurse practitioner. If there are any suggested questions to ask, please let us know!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Great New Recipe!
Baked Squash Casserole
5 lbs. medium yellow squash (measure it at the store on the scale)
2 eggs, beaten
1 C. bread crumbs, plus more for topping
2 Tbsp. chopped onion
1 stick butter
1/4 C. sugar
Salt as needed
Dash of ground black pepper
Variation: Add 1-1 1/2 C. cheddar cheese and 1 jalapeno pepper diced.
Trim squash and cut into large pieces. Drop into a large saucepan with enough boiling water to cover. Return to a boil, reduce heat and cook until tender. Drain in a colander, then mash.
In a large mixing bowl, combine squash, eggs, 1C. breadcrumbs, onion, butter, sugar, salt, and pepper. Turn into a 3-quart casserole dish that has been lightly greased. Cover with a light layer of bread crumbs. Bake at 350 until lightly browned, about 30 minutes. Serves 10.
This recipe makes a lot! It also freezes beautifully! I usually am able to make 2 8X8 plus another smaller dish size with this recipe, and I'll freeze 2 of the dishes. It has become a household favorite!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Small Yard Project....not so much!
A few weeks back I mentioned AT&T was going to be digging up my yard again any day to remove the box and utility easement in our front yard. Well, kids we are on the utility company's time line, which means it didn't start until 3 weeks later, or so. Here is their artwork thus far in our front yard. I went upstairs and got an aerial shot for you! As you can see they have dug a hole about 8 feet long by 4 feet wide and it is also at least 6 feet deep. When they are down in there you can't see them. When I took the pictures they were at lunch. They have 3 umbrellas they put in there as well as fans they hook up to a generator to keep them cool. It is really quite an operation! They have to wear these little hard hats, all due to Ochoa regulations so I'm told, that they really don't care for. I went to get the mail on Wednesday and peered down in the hole at them. I then made the comment that they looked like the miners on T.V. with their little hats on. They said, "Oh, don't say that!" I then asked if they were doing ok and if they needed something to drink, hoping they would take me up on it so I could get their picture of them drinking lemonade in the front yard as suggested in the previous post. Plus the last thing I need is for one of the AT&T men to collapse in my front yard! They responded with, "Oh no, we're fine. We've just been worried about you in there in all that cool air conditioning." I must admit, they are funny!
This is the 5th time they have dug up our yard! I have evidently created a reputation down at the AT&T office. The foreman came on the job site Tuesday and said, "Oh hi there, I've been hearing nothing but good things about you all day." My response was, "Well, I aim to please." Evidently, the people down at the main office told the foreman that I would help him with the other neighbors and be nice to him at the same time. I can imagine that is not a usual response when they dig burial sites in most peoples' yards like we have at the present. They are projecting this to take another week or so until they start putting the yard back together again. It could always be worse, and it's just less Johnny has to mow right now! However, this is a lesson as to why one should always get a survey! You will never know you have a utility easement unless you get one or until you find AT&T six feet under when you get home one day!
Exciting Times!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Oh, and no she doesn't have an ear infection. They are just another body part she has discovered and are therefore a toy during feedings! It is quiet funny to watch her open her mouth while holding her ears!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
All of my closings are just that, closed! Hooray! Things can quieten down for a little while. I do have showings this weekend, so I don't know how long the quiet time will last, but the next few days will be nice. The thought of moving is starting to set in. I think it is always good for me to put myself in the position of my clients so I am better able to empathize. Boy am I starting to feel the pressure and we haven't even broken ground. I have to keep reminding myself "deep breathes". All will be ok, if I will stop worrying about things that haven't taken place yet, which I have a bad habit of doing!
Something that is taking place is the telephone company digging up our front yard again! I need to go take pictures of them, wouldn't they love that! What if I gave them all some lemonade and had them pose? Our front yard has a utility easement and is "luckily" the telephone hub for the entire neighborhood development!!! So, anytime they add another phase to the subdivision or someone moves in or anything changes, they come and tweak the box or dig in the yard. I have visited with 3 guys so far this morning and they are going to be digging for the next 4-6 weeks! But, after they are through, the box and easement will be moved permanently, and there will be no more digging ever!!!!! That is such good news for the new people who will live here after us! Congratulations to them!!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Deep Thoughts, Not Really
However, I think I have successfully posted the link to Catherine's baby dedication pictures? Dedication Pictures Take a look at how much she is changing! The dress she is wearing was made by my mother. It is so hard choosing pictures of your own child. Without fail, I want to get one of all the proofs of Catherine by herself. Then when I'm in the picture I'm definitely more selective and don't have the urge to buy them all. Maybe I should be in more pictures so I won't buy as many?
Work has been extremely busy! I have had 2 closings in the last week and one has now been moved to Monday. The closing set for the 31st will now be moved up to next Friday! I'm really looking forward to next weekend so I can breathe.
Johnny's high school class reunion is tomorrow night at Cajun's Wharf. I must admit I'm quit excited about going. I am not looking forward to seeing anyone in particular, but I'm very pumped about the food! I could eat seafood all day long, everyday! I am the senior class president of my high school class, so it will be a good learning experience for me to see what we might want to do or not do. Catherine is going to be staying overnight with my mom for the occasion. I'm a little nervous, but really looking forward to a little break. I went to Elle the other day for their sidewalk sale and found the best jacket! Don't you just love finding something you feel good in? It is like the magic jacket. I can put that thing on and feel completely different about how I look. Needless to say, I'm wearing it tomorrow night! I called Johnny when I got it and here's how the conversation went.
Me - Hey I just got the most precious jacket!!!!!!
Johnny - How much was the jacket?
Me - I got it at the sidewalk sale and it was a good deal for a jacket. It was $...... (not important)
Johnny - uuugggghhh. So, I guess that means you now have to buy stuff to go with the jacket?
Me - No, I think I'll just wear heals, jeans and a tank with it.
Johnny - Ok, good. Then I think it's a precious jacket too!
You can tell I'm married to a financial man! I'm so lucky! Because of Johnny, I will be able to retire one day. If I were in charge of the finances, then we'd probably have to work till we're 90! That's it for deep thoughts from Claire today! Have a great weekend!
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Calling All Opinions!
Ok, so I went and got my hair cut and colored yesterday and I'm not too sure about it. I had it done for the first time about 3 months ago and didn't really like the color then either? Sunday a friend that I hadn't seen in a while came up to me and said, "Oh Claire, I didn't recognize you with dark hair." That sealed it, something had to change fast! I told my hairdresser this, but I don't think it sunk in? I look like a tiger! I have dark hair with these gold highlights that don't match. I'm completely open to all suggestions on cut, color and more importantly stylists! I'm shopping for a new guy or gal now, just to audition them. Let me know your thoughts please!
Catherine is starting to teeth a little. I can't see any nubs yet, but she loves to chew. We have started adding fruits to her cereal and so far she is only fond of bananas. It is so fun watching her eat! She gags with applesauce and peaches and makes a sour face, but attacks the bananas. She has started rolling over all the time now, but still not crawling. This week she has also discovered her voice and loves to scream and squeal now. It is hysterical!
For the 4th we went and hung out with Aunt Sunnee and Paw Paw Nic. Catherine had her first swim in the pool. Paw Paw Nic consulted our neighbor ER Doc., and heated the pool to 94 degrees! It was a giant bath tub.
The house is coming along slowly but surely. We should finalize our plans within the next week and construction will start in late August/early September. I'm going to try to post the plans if I can figure that out? I'm usually doing good to post pictures, can't you tell?
That's pretty much all the excitement in our house. I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend between appointments.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Everybody Poops (especially seagulls)!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Big Changes!
Monday, June 4, 2007
Memorial Day Etc...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Tessa Baldwin!
Friday, May 18, 2007
It's Bumbo Time!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Lt. and Mrs. Baldwin!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Bachelor Update!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Pictures and Misc.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Then there were 4?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Zipper troubles, or whatever!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Drama, Drama, Drama
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Bachelor Update!
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Bachelor
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Religion and Politics?
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Swing, Swing, Swing!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Husband Withdrawls and Surprises!
Johnny knows how much I love a surprise! Before he left this weekend he ordered me a front porch swing! We have been in our house for 3 years now, and since we started building I wanted a porch swing. There is something about being outside that calms Catherine when nothing works! I made the comment of how nice it would be to take her outside and swing. So, my wonderful husband is having a swing made for our front porch and it will be here this weekend! I am so excited! I overheard him on the phone with the man that is making it, and I overheard, "No, I don't think I can have anything over 48 inches, and I have the tools to hang it myself." I thought he had bought a flat panel TV without consulting me! We have always had a rule, that we discuss large purchases with each other before we buy them. When he got off the phone I interrogated him! Eventually, I figured out that it was a swing instead of a TV. I am much more excited to have a swing! But still, I don't think he would be too happy with me if I went a got the TV for his birthday without consulting him!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Picture Perfect!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Crazy Bird!
Monday, March 12, 2007
This past weekend we took Miss Catherine to the Wye Mountain Daffodil Festival. It was mine and Johnny's first time to go as well. The weather was so nice, and it was great to get out of the house! My cabin fever is getting somewhat better. It is hard to believe that Catherine is already 1 month old! She had her check-up last Wednesday at the pediatrician and now weighs over 9 pounds! She eats so well and is now starting to sleep just as well. I am proud to announce that we have slept thru the night for the last 2 nights!!!! I have never been so excited and so proud! She is really starting to fill out and now more of her clothes fit! No one ever told me what a baby would do to your feelings toward your husband. There is just something about seeing a man with his child. Johnny is a wonderful father, and is better than I could have ever imagined! He is so good with her and gets up with her during the night on the weekends so I can sleep. It takes my love for him to another level!