Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Husband Withdrawls and Surprises!

With Johnny's job come a lot of blessings....BUT, he has to do a lot of travel. This week he is in California starting Monday and he won't be home until Friday! It is the first trip he has taken since we have had Catherine. Needless to say, it has not been easy having him leave this time. I am always very nervous when he travels without me, or at least when he has to fly. It's like, if something happens to him, then I want it to happen to me too! He is able to call very frequently during the day, but I can't wait until Friday! Johnny's birthday is Saturday, so I'm working on a Birthday dinner for him. I don't know what to get him this year? He is always difficult to buy for, because he goes and buys everything he wants before I have a chance. I think all men love gadgets and I may just go to the Sharper Image and see what I can find.

Johnny knows how much I love a surprise! Before he left this weekend he ordered me a front porch swing! We have been in our house for 3 years now, and since we started building I wanted a porch swing. There is something about being outside that calms Catherine when nothing works! I made the comment of how nice it would be to take her outside and swing. So, my wonderful husband is having a swing made for our front porch and it will be here this weekend! I am so excited! I overheard him on the phone with the man that is making it, and I overheard, "No, I don't think I can have anything over 48 inches, and I have the tools to hang it myself." I thought he had bought a flat panel TV without consulting me! We have always had a rule, that we discuss large purchases with each other before we buy them. When he got off the phone I interrogated him! Eventually, I figured out that it was a swing instead of a TV. I am much more excited to have a swing! But still, I don't think he would be too happy with me if I went a got the TV for his birthday without consulting him!


Stephanie said...

Home Depot, Best Buy, or sporting goods store gift cards are always appreciated by my hubby! Then he gets to go shopping for himself! And I don't have to stress about whether or not it's the right gadget!!!! Just some suggestions. The swing sounds great - that was really sweet of him!

Jill said...

You are going to love that swing!!! Especially as it stays light outside later!! What a thoughtful gift!

Melissa said...

I love the idea of a swing for you guys...Johnny did great! If you need anything while he's gone, just holler ok?

The Nelson Family said...

We just now came in from sitting on our swing with Bo, our dog. He likes to sit up there with us, big ole' thing! I'm sure you'll enjoy many lovely evenings out there together. How thoughtful!

The Proctors said...

Swings are so great! I've actually mentioned to Kyle that I want one for my birthday next week! We'll see.... Enjoy the beautiful weather!