Thursday, April 12, 2007


Here is Miss Catherine on Easter Sunday at her Mimi's house! I must say it was a very special Easter this year! I always look forward to Easter, but this year was extra special! By becoming a mother, I now have a whole new respect for people with infants who get out in the world! I firmly believe that there should be designated parking places for those pregnant or with an infant under 6 months of age! It is such a hassle! I was so anxious about everything on Easter that this is the only picture I have of Catherine in her Easter dress, much less the whole outfit! I am so disappointed. I am almost inclined to dress her up again and just take some pictures? The dress she has on was made by my mother. She also had on a green mohair shrug with matching booties and bonnet that was made for my mother by Catherine's great great grandmother! It is definitely wonderful having her around, I'm more thankful everyday that we have her!


Melissa said...

She looked so precious on Easter. It was great to see you and Johnny too! I would dress her up again and take pictures...why not!!! The outfit was too special not too!

Stephanie said...

You should definitely dress her up again and take more pics. You wouldn't be the first mother to have done that!!! Can't wait to see them.

Holloway Family said...

Take all the pictures you can while she is this size. Just remember, she won't be this size again. She is beautiful.

Jill said...

Slap that dress back on your precious girl & take as many pictures as you can!!!! I'm so glad you had a great Easter!

The Nelson Family said...

She was darling. It was so good to see you guys! I hope we get to see more "Easter" pictures of her soon!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet girl. Getting treated to her very own personalized designer outfits! You've got to capture more of that dress. Glad you brought her to church, event though it seemed like a big charade getting there.